<body><![CDATA[There is a priceless moment in Nicolas RoegΓÇÖs 1970 film Performance when James FoxΓÇÖs gangster says to Mick JaggerΓÇÖs effeminate hipster: ΓÇ£YouΓÇÖre a comical little bugger. YouΓÇÖll look funny when youΓÇÖre 50.ΓÇ¥ True, androgyny is a difficult trick to pull off as you get older, when attempts at gender bending deteriorate into self-parodic drag. Now that Placebo are well into their thirties their Goth finery hangs on them less elegantly than in their mid-1990s heyday. Fortunately, this singles collection eschews the narcissism to concentrate on what they do best: giving the glam of Bowie and Bolan a Sonic Youth makeover, such as on 36 Degrees, Teenage Angst and Slave to the Wage. It is more than mere cosmetic alt-rock: wipe away the mascara and lip gloss and youΓÇÖre left with an inventive lyricist in Brian Molko who can craft a bloody good tune. But heΓÇ¥ll look funny when heΓÇÖs 50. Click <a href="asfunction:Tardis.webPageOpen,http://www.placeboworld.co.uk"><b>here</b></a> to visit the official Placebo website.]]></body>